Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Number 17 Wiki

I find a wiki, like a book is only as good as the info in it; and the editors governing it. Just like a chat room, if the 'inmates' run wild the site loses creditablity. One in house for circ (which I am) would be good if someone governing the policies and procedures keeps a keen eye on what is said and done there. Without that, it can lose it creditablility. Also, the circ staff NEED to access it on desk. Many are discouraged to do so because of the tags will not be simple enough.

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

What a great job you are doing on the this project and on your blog. I really appreciate your comments and agree with you... anything... whether it's a blog or a wiki or whatever, is only as good as the content and the writer. The interesting thing about wikis is that they "evolve" which is very different for most of us. I almost freaked when I came back to the MD Learning Wiki and someone had "accidentally" deleted all the FrontPage content. And yet, it did get fixed pretty quickly... it's an interesting & different way to work. ib

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Learning to use history for a lifetime of learning

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Here are titles of some books I have used to study the Gettysburg Campaign: Pickets Charge by George R. Stewart dated 1959, use of First Person reports VERY good. Gettysburg-Balttle & Battlefield by W. C Storrick, was a participant of the battle as well as one of the first 'guides' of the field, poor source, in as he relates many of the myths of the battle..; Three Months in the Southern States by Lt. Col Arthur J. L Fremantle, with the Southern side as ' the eyes and ears of Queen Victoria' wonderful perspective of the southern side; and he continued to welcome southerns in England for years to come.

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