Thursday, August 9, 2007

Oops, missed # 11 LibraryThing

I know many of the librarians are crazy about this site; they should be it works for them. But personally it did nothing for me.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Say good night, Gracie.

"Good Night"

George Burns to his wife and co actor Gracie Allen.

#23 The End

I am asked to answer some questions and put in my two cents concerning this program.
1. I did it for the mp3 player (consider me shallow); but also to try and see my adult childrens world and get into it, even for a little while.
2. My favorites discoveries were the last; the podcast, and archive for ebooks, but which could also be read online.
3.Now that I started into the 21st century ideal of reading exploration, I think I will run over to myspace and join my children in any of my pursues there ( it is more me and less work).
4. Unexpected outcomes-'don't think' so; got to where I want to be and did what I had to preform.
5.Improve the program-well I felt that I was simply uploading items to prove I got there; with the stringent timeframe I could not explore; maybe make it a year long project. I know many don't want to do it because there is a DEADLINE.
6. Lastly, I have learned, if nothing else that I DON'T need to know EVERYTHING.

My true journey is with my family, friends, and my harp "Shamus".

#22 American Library Archive

This one is great, I love the a book entitled "The Illustrated War News Volume 15, Nov 18, 1914-alsome for historical info. Also "Manual of Egyptian Archealogy" very technical, some place you could go to see how REAL archealogist do it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

#21 Podcasts was not interesting; Podcastalley had more of what I would be looking for; people playing folk harp. This would be good to teach different instruments and what pedal harp and celtic and folk harp sound different

Gypsies, Tramps, Thieves, and Pyrates

Gypsies, Tramps, Thieves, and Pyrates
Staying connected to family may mean taking a step back-in time even-and letting yourself play with your kids.

Learning to use history for a lifetime of learning

Learning to use history for a lifetime of learning
Here are titles of some books I have used to study the Gettysburg Campaign: Pickets Charge by George R. Stewart dated 1959, use of First Person reports VERY good. Gettysburg-Balttle & Battlefield by W. C Storrick, was a participant of the battle as well as one of the first 'guides' of the field, poor source, in as he relates many of the myths of the battle..; Three Months in the Southern States by Lt. Col Arthur J. L Fremantle, with the Southern side as ' the eyes and ears of Queen Victoria' wonderful perspective of the southern side; and he continued to welcome southerns in England for years to come.

Knowing the author

Knowing the author
This was my son's first published book. In working with him I learned the ins and outs of self publishing, writing, and rewriting, and rewriting; but the reward of working with him has been 'priceless'. Interested visit for a copy of this book